Monday, July 26, 2010

Why are neither Obama or McCain doing anything now to fix the oil crisis?

I keep hearing about Obama and McCain's plans to fix this crisis when they are in office. These men are both senators, why don't they write a bill that will fix it now? What are they waiting for? If there plans are so great, do something about it now.Why are neither Obama or McCain doing anything now to fix the oil crisis?
There are 10 senators that will be proposing a bill before Sept. It will involve drilling offshore and for oil shale, conservation, speculation and takes ANWR off the table. It gives a little to both sides. Experts told Congress it would take a combination of these things to fix the problem. Dems keep blocking drilling and bicker back and forth with Rep's about who's right and Pelosi has vowed to block any bill that includes drilling, so we'll see what happens.Why are neither Obama or McCain doing anything now to fix the oil crisis?
They have made efforts and it's nothing that can be fixed ';now';. The only one who can do anything right now is you. Drive less often, carpool more often, get a smaller car, get rid of the car and use a bike or public transportation, move closer to work... the ultimate power is yours, not the government's
McCain has a realistic one, Obama does not. Obama is pandering, McCain is not. That says it all.
2 words: Nancy Pelosi

Yes, but she is preventing the congress in general from doing something.
Well I think you figured it out there at the end. They don't actually have any ';plan'; - neither of them. But that isn't what we want to hear, is it?
They are waiting to become President. They can't do anything with this do-nothing, Liberal led Congress.
There is no oil crisis. Did you read ';OPEC warned that high pump prices are likely to erode global demand for crude';. OPEC is afraid high prices would force us to conserve or find other energy sources. Maybe we would drive more efficient cars or take public transportation. Maybe we won't continue to be addicted to their oil.

What they should be doing is put at bottom on gas prices at $4.50 per gallon and $125 barrel of oil. We should also put a cap on the amount of futures trades on energy -- no more than 20% -- this would reduce the price increase due to oil speculation. Any excess should be used to pay for research and implementation of solar, wind and nuclear energy and biomass. Not corn ethanol. Get rid of corn subsidies. We need cellulosic ethanol. But we never get politicians with backbone. Just give us addicts a tax holiday keep us addicted.

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