Wednesday, July 28, 2010

1971 Honda CB 350. I removed stator cover, and oil poured out. If this isn't normal, how do I fix it?

Replace the seal that separates the oil in the crankcase from the shaft that drives the charging system. I would also suggest checking the output of the charging system by using an electric meter and verifying that they output is 30-40 volts. If you're going to ';tap'; the seal into place, make sure you use something that only touches the outer edge or metal rim of the seal, like a large socket or soup can.1971 Honda CB 350. I removed stator cover, and oil poured out. If this isn't normal, how do I fix it?
That's how they are Larry,,the alternator runs in an oil bath.

There's no replaceable oil filter,either.

They use a screen on oil pump pick-up,,,

and a centrifuge on the end of the crankshaft to sling particulates out of the oil before pumping it into crankshaft.1971 Honda CB 350. I removed stator cover, and oil poured out. If this isn't normal, how do I fix it?
It's normal. My cover busted and the oil leaked out. When you're done, just do an oil and filter change to be sure you have the right amount in there.

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