Friday, July 30, 2010

Why Should Domestically Produced Oil Be Allowed To Sell For At OPEC's FIXED Prices?

The price of gasoline in Venezula is 17 cents a gallon.

In Mexico it is $1.00

Why are we letting the Oil Companies Gouge US ?Why Should Domestically Produced Oil Be Allowed To Sell For At OPEC's FIXED Prices?
Part of the reason is that America consumes the most oil of any country.

So we are dependent on foreign oil and must pay their price. The second reason is that BUSH, Cheney, Condlisa Rice and several other high ranking Governmet official are all former Oil Execurtives and still have ties to the American oil companies and are making sure they make their buddies rich as long as the oil last. And the oil IS running out, why do you think we are REALLY in the Middle East??Why Should Domestically Produced Oil Be Allowed To Sell For At OPEC's FIXED Prices?
lets go back in time with this answer. american people have the shortest memory of any living human being. back in the early 80's when the oil industry in america almost went belly up and banks in the mid west closed because opec glutted the world market. if you recall world oil per barrel dropped to 10 per barrel. i didn't see all of you cry babies yelling that we need to help the oil companies. you just smiled everytime you filled up at the pumps and people like me lost good jobs and i didn't hear one voice in this country cry out that jobs banks and little oil companies were hurting now with the oil trading on the world market and production is slowing the price of oil is going sky hi and all of you flaming liberals are screaming about the high cost of gas and how much higher can it go. you are getting a lesson in economics mexico and venezula can charge what they want even at a dollar a gallon in mexico the people can't afford to buy it we see it everyday with the stream of illegals coming over the border. we are not producing much oil in american anymore because our poloticians want votes and the eco freaks are still screaming that we can not drill for oil in america we can not build new refineries in america we can not build new electric power plants in america and God for bid we can not build nuclear power plants either. so tell me all you cry babies out there what would you do exept pay opecs and venezula and mexico price for their oil. you may not believe this but we buy oil from mexico and venezula for what the price is on the world market. the price per gallon is 118 per barrel and this is what mexico is getting for their oil on the world market. like your dem hill told your dem obama if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen mr doodles

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