Why do you think that the oil companies haven't been investigated yet? Because the oil companies are honest or because Congress is not honest?Should Congress investigate the oil companies for price gouging or price fixing?
Why investigate something that is already known? Who in the government has large investments in oil? Go to the top and work your way down. Now you know why our government stays out of the oil companies business.Should Congress investigate the oil companies for price gouging or price fixing?
Because this is a capitalist society. Capitalism works wonderful. The oil companies are doing nothing wrong. They price gasoline at a price where they make a profit (wow what a freaking concept) and we pay it, everyday, without fail.
Get over it, grow up %26amp; move on. If you own your own business one day you will understand. When you price an item at what society pays, your cost of that item is irelevent. If you can sell a ear of corn for $25.00 and people come by everyday and pay that for your corn would it matter to you that the cost was only 5 cents? Not if you are a good business owner it wouldn't. %26amp; don't tell me about what a fair markup is, because there is no such thing. An item that sells for a 25% Markup (depending on what it is) will sell just as well as an item with 2500% markup (depending on what it is).
So know that you have got a mini lesson in economics, maybe you will get it. If you still don't, get a job that pays you commision, you then figure it out for sure.
And don't forget your state and federal taxes on fuel haven't been reduced yet. It is their cash cow too. They tax the oil companies, tax the distributors, the station owner, and then they tax you at the pump. In some states the total tax you pay at the pump is over $.60 a gallon.
High demand in other countries. Honestly if oil companies wanted to make a bigger profit they could go to other countries. Countries such as India and China are now using 5x more oil than they were using just 2-3 years ago.
And their government pay subsidizes on the oil to keep oil prices low. Our government feels taxing the people is the way to go.
How about both congress and the oil companies being dishonest they receive millions in campaign contrubitions in congress from big oil. It is the interest of the oil co's to make as much as they can, plus most major oil co's are in partnership with the oil producions of this planet. So when prices rise they actually are making a proffit twice.
It's free enterprise and truth is nothing the oil companies are doing is illegal as far as I can tell. Unless Congress passes some sort of anti-price gouging legislation then they are doing nothing wrong. Sure, Congress will give lip service and vow to ';get to the bottom of it'; and a few days later they come out with a report that the oil companies are doing nothing wrong. Which in truth they are not. Even if we reduced our consumption of gasoline by a third the price will not fall by much if at all. Big OIl will simply reduce production to keep gasoline supplies tight and the price high. It's my opinion that Big Oil is secretly manipulating prices in violation of anti-trust laws...but I can't prove it. And apparently neither can our government. Of course with Bushco in charge nothing serious can be done since it's an oil friendly administration.
If the government gives the oil Companies any static they have enough money to just close their doors than we would all be hurting.
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